20 October 2008

I'm a Poll Watcher, I'm a Poll Watcher, Watching Early Voting, with Hands Clasped Hoping....

I can't get Tom Jones's dulcet tones out of my head. I'm always so pscyhed to be at my little polling station in bucolic Belle Meade TN because the turnout has been so good so far. I was there yesterday from 4 - 6pm (closing) and saw babies and 20-something's and even a Down Syndrome voter - yes! I will be there everyday now until it ends on Oct 31. That will give Davidson County Election Officials 5 days to get their shit together for The Big One. I've attached a link above for all of you to find out if you have early voting. If you do PLEASE do it - they can't steal a landslide and early votes have a greater liklihood of being counted accurately (I kid you not).

Early Voting Stats for for Monday, 10/20/08:
1303 total votes cast @ BMCH
65699 total votes* cast in Davidson County (* probably low by 100 or so votes because one polling station was still voting at 6pm due to lines)
There was pretty much a steady line all day of 30 or so except for the first hour and the last.

Issues: I met Marian Ott, my League of Women Voters Organizer, and I also met Lynn Greer, an Election Commission official. I know Marian spoke to Hal, Poll station officer, about better securing the PEBs. I'll be checking on that today.

Colin Powell tries to mitigate his Faustian bargain by endorsing Obama with some of the most thoughtful and intelligent rhetoric so far. And he points to the elephant in the room - racism - and sez: So what if Obama was a Muslim? Check it out at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/27265490#27265746

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