30 May 2008

Blahhgg #7: Initial iotas on The 'ville...

So we've been here 3.5 weeks approximately and I must admit it: I like it. I like it much more than many of the relo's I've been through (including Santa Clara). Some first impressions for ya':

The 'ville is a PARTY town but dissimilar from SF Party Town. I remember when I first got to SF I thought "okay so they can't deal with the scat of the homeless on the streets but they can sure throw parties." And especially parties around sex/gender/nudity: Pride, Folsom Street Fair (my very first SF civic event - yowza!), Bay to Breakers (with their perennial running nudists - ick), Exotic Erotic Ball, etc.

The 'ville is all about music/cafe society; all kinds of music and drinks - pre-gig drinks, drinks during gigs, post-gig drinks. Not just alkihall either - this is a big wine town. All the good restaurants have good to great wine lists (and can we tawk about the low prices? Oy!). There are at least two restaurants with 100 wines by the glass! They all have good tequila choices too and, of course, the full selection of brown likker: scotches, whiskies and buhrbun.

The other demonstration of how SERIOUS they are about their cafe society is the hours: last call is 2:45 am. You can get nice dinner in town up until that hour as well. Many places open at 11am and close at 2 or 3am. That's a lifestyle commitment!

In addition to music, something I love about Nashville is the weather. Face it - I was raised in NJ where the humidity bred mosquitoes big enough to go cowtipping at night. I know humidity and mugginess and fireflies and thunderstorms. And those of you who know me well and have stood still long enough have heard my diatribes about how much I miss all that (not the mosquitoes though). So even though in August I'll probably be whining about it like I never left it, right now, I'm enjoying thawing out from the perennial coolness of SF. The spring here has been lovely with very little humiditiy - so I've felt welcomed.

But the thing that has reminded more than anything else of how South we really have moved - more than the blue laws, the Christian scripture quotations at the end of yoga classes, and the lovely soft accents, is that fact that the sun rises about an hour earlier here! That I was not prepared for - 5:30am is broad daylight!

The first two weeks I found it quite disorienting - my bedroom (which has no curtains just yet) flooded with sunlight before 6am even. And it prompted the following scribble:

Daylight drinking makes the cowgirl come out. She hip checks her hipster and sucks
down homey brew. Daylight drinking in moist sun and tender air with you, my newest
darling. I taste your big vowels of cotton. I want to sing all the time. Your wood working ways
turn me shapley spindle despite my brinded hair and netted skin.
Is 50 too old for a new lover?

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